Overlooking Osoyoos

Overlooking Osoyoos
Overlooking Osoyoos

Saturday 29 March 2014


I'm about to go to the airport and I'm feeling slightly taken aback that it is all finally happening!

There are lots of people who have contributed in some way to this trip coming together.  Chris Kay helped me realise that I needed to get out into the wilderness, my Dad suggested going to Canada, Jo Lester suggested I cycle across it, Cameron Lawson said that I should go for 6 months travelling instead of moving there permanently and my boss Tim decided to let me have 6 months off!  And when I have doubted my plans to leave, my boyfriend Dave has been amazingly supportive.

There is also one special person, without whom I don't think I would be doing anything so exciting or ambitious... and that's my Mum.  You have taught me to be independent, confident, to work hard for what I want to achieve, and to be sensible when necessary.  You have taught me to take risks, to follow my heart and strive for the impossible because it's okay to fail, as long as you give it your everything.  You are my role model, my rock, my anchor, my advisor, my shoulder to cry on and a kick up my backside when I need it!  I couldn't have asked for a better Mum.

Happy Mother's Day!


  1. Hooray for mums! Safe travels, see you in Vancouver XXX

  2. A beautiful message, Anna. Safe travels; will be following you all the way!

  3. Good luck Anna! We will be watching the blogs as and when they come in.

  4. Lucky me - I'm married to that special person!!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. What a moving Mother's Day message, thanks for sharing! There's inspiration for anyone, be it actual parenting or raising one's inner child.
    The best of luck for your adventure!
    Finnish Hanna
