Overlooking Osoyoos

Overlooking Osoyoos
Overlooking Osoyoos

Thursday, 26 June 2014

Getting ready

I'm struggling to get back into the swing of things. After spending two weeks out in the bush with Dave and living with his family, it's strange to be on my own in the city. I feel out of place in my outdoors clothes around all the clean people. And the city sights are getting me down - it's grimy and busy and there are lots of desperate looking people and homeless people.

I moped around a bit yesterday, doing a few chores and not getting all of them finished. Then I went to the cinema in what surely must have been the dodgiest part of any town anywhere, and came back to the hostel to find the owner Bill and his friend Stu drinking in the lounge. So we all stayed up until late chatting and drinking wine from a box.

This morning, Stu took me for pancakes. That cheered me up and I went back to the hostel to skype Dave and then my family.

I finally got all my chores done that were possible to get done in Winnipeg. I can't say I'm excited about getting back to the ride, but I will be glad to get out of town.

I only have 27 days to make it to Vancouver before Dave arrives (woohoo), so I'd better hope that my new saddle is comfy and my legs are rested. And a tailwind would be useful, but maybe that's asking too much! 

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