Overlooking Osoyoos

Overlooking Osoyoos
Overlooking Osoyoos

Wednesday 21 May 2014

Day 18: A bear!

The sun was shining and there was a gentle breeze in the right direction, so I made it all the way to Pembroke today, through 143km of beautiful rolling countryside. And I don't even feel more tired than usual - my legs were just eating up the road today.

The mozzies chased me out of camp nice and early and apart from a 20 minute breakfast and a half hour lunch, I didn't really stop all day! It was awesome.

I saw my first black bear this morning. He was quite a small one, only about the size of the biggest dog you've ever seen (unless the biggest dog you've ever seen in a lab, in which case you need to google Newfoundland hound) and he was just hanging out in a cornfield about 100m away, minding his own business until I scared him off trying to get my camera out. Sweet! I've seen a bear! And he didn't maul me :)

Tonight I'm staying with Amba and his wife Fely who are friends of my great aunt. They're lovely! I have a nice room, there's wifi (yesss!), home made banana cake and dinner is being prepared before my very eyes. Ahh.


  1. Great work today, maybe that 3kg of winter kit was holding you back. Glad you didn't get mauled X

  2. Wow ... good riding! The minimal day yesterday probably helped or is it all that homemade cake? Or is it being chased by mosquitoes? As long as its not bears! xxxx

  3. It was because I was grumpy in the morning (at having to zig zag my way through a grid system of roads when I wanted to go diagonally), so I rode hard to get through it and then I was 60km down by lunch, so I just carried on!
