Overlooking Osoyoos

Overlooking Osoyoos
Overlooking Osoyoos

Tuesday 20 May 2014

Day off

Today I finally got my chores done. I have a new pair of summer cycling boots - ahh, so nice and breezy! I stocked up on sun cream and posted 3kg worth of winter kit home. Not that the bike feels light as a result.

Once all that was done, it was 1pm. Usually I've done 50km by 1pm, so I didn't fancy starting my day then. I just rode 40mins down the road to a campsite and set up for a chilled afternoon in the dappled sunlight. If only the mosquitoes would bugger off! I'm already covered in hard lumps from yesterday's bites.

So I rode into town for a drink in a mosquito-free zone where I can wile away my time reading, blogging and skyping before having dinner and going to bed. My legs are glad of the rest, they've been struggling on the hills the last few days.


  1. Ah, the mosquito, the national bird of Canada.

  2. Wow Anna - all sounds like the physical version of "War and Peace"! I'm full of admiration; well done, girl! :-)
